Pyramid Donkey

Pyramid Donkey

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Stink

Seems like I have a stink problem. I have not been fishing much in the past 3 months or so and everytime I have gone, I have not had a tug. Went to Lees Ferry for the day after they raised the flows from 8000cfs to 22,000, lots of stink that day. Six weeks later went to Roosevelt and the stink followed me down. Fast forward to Sunday. My buddy Charles and I decided to hit the Ferry again. Got on the water at 9am and the water looked great, a little higher than we thought, but still looked good. After about 3 hours, I was thinking, well shit.....I'm gonna smell like skunk for another 3 months. Well the trout Gods were a smilin' on me. I finally landed a freaking trout. Only landed 3 all day, but I was more than happy. I don't have any proof as my buddy did not press the button down on the camera all the way, but I don't care, I don't smell like skunk no mo! Here is a pic of Charles holding a typical Lee's Ferry rainbow!